Karma Delivers!
In July 2016, as we were travelling to the Gympie ASH Branch Futurity, we received a call from Virginia Carter from the Gold Coast area, asking if we may have a horse for sale, suitable for her then 15 year old daughter, Stephanie. They had been looking at the Glencoe website, liked what they saw, and contacted us. As we don’t retain geldings, it was karma that we actually had the exact type of horse Virginia was seeking for Steph.
We had recently taken delivery of a mare with two progeny by our sire, Glencoe Last Word. The gelding was foaled in Nov 2011 and his sister in 2012. Both youngsters had had minimal handling, and both considered life was all about standing under a shady tree, full tummies, no worries! Not that they were outlaws, far from it, just thought that they were going to laze their lives away forever. Both were of exceptional quality, which was only to be expected as their dam was also the dam of Glencoe Craftsman, a Champion at the 2015 ASH Nationals, but sired by Glencoe Abstract.
After initial handling, the gelding who we registered as Glencoe Wordsmith, was placed in the very capable hands of Jim Daley, who had piloted Craftsman to his many successes. Right from the getgo we saw Wordsmith as a dressage horse, although he was bred to compete in any equine pursuit desired by his rider. And so a few weeks later we met with Virginia and Steph, took them up to the Goomburra Valley where Smithy had been started under saddle by Jim. It was decided that Steph should hop aboard in a very unfamiliar stock saddle and give him a ride. After ascertaining that Steph was a very capable rider, and Smithy wasn’t going to disgrace himself, we withdrew and allowed Smithy, Steph and Virginia time to themselves.

August 2016- Steph taking possession of Smithy, his first loading and trip on a horse float- handled it like a professional.
And so in August 2016, The Carter family arrived with their horse float to collet an overfat, green gelding for what is turning into a wonderful story of learning, loving and success. Recently Steph agreed to write a few paragraphs about their journey so far. It is as follows:-
“It is coming up 2 years ago I picked up Glencoe Wordsmith (Smithy) and it is the best decision I could have made. From the first day I looked and rode him, I knew he had the potential for the dressage arena and I had to have him. Picked him up 3 months broken was unfamiliar territory for me and I knew it wasn’t going to be smooth sailing!
I’d never had a horse so young and I knew he was going to push me out of my comfort zone! We’ve had many highs and a few lows. Days where I’d feel we were making great progress and other days where I’d have no idea how I improve the situation or training exercise. Who knew getting the right lead could be so difficult?
Loves his dressage.
Showing style over the jumps, even taking extra care!
His initial start with Jim Daley was professional and done so well I really do think it made the whole training experience pleasurable both in the saddle and on the ground. Smithy made, and still makes the training in the arena and out on the trail rewarding and enjoyable. He really enjoys the showjumping ring, shame the rider isn’t as enthusiastic about it as he is. He picks up things easily, and always has the “wanting to please mum” brain on. He’s a delight in every way and still yet to find a discipline he can’t do.
Smithy gets compliments wherever he goes and always has eyes watching him in the ring- he loves his daily cuddles and kisses, spoilt thing. I still think I’m not fully aware of how far we’ve come together and how much of a great team we really do make.
2018 is the first year we have competed officially in dressage and we are off to great start! Our most recent achievement being overall Preliminary Champion for the official Tallebudgera Pony Club. Scores of 69.50%, 71.96% and 69.55%!! Little things that still need some work then it’s time to step up to Novice. PCAQ State Dressage and Combined Training is in July at Maryborough and it’s something I’d love to attend. I really am over the moon with how far he’s come and how he’s improving all the time. To say I’m proud of this horse is an understatement.”
And we at Glencoe Stockhorses are extremely proud to say we bred Smithy, and we are all so very fortunate that he has found a great home with the Carter family, is loved and making Steph so very happy.
The rewards at recent Competition
A happy Steph and Smithy- a partnership made in heaven.
Profile of Max Glasser – February 2009

As Max walked across the grass, centre Ring at Olympic Park, Sydney , to judge the Australian Stock Horse classes at the 2002 Sydney Royal, it must have seemed like an eternity since he had won his first show ribbon! He remembers he was six years old, it was Texas Show, the Judge was Harold Scott of North Star- famous all-round horsem an; husband and father of a wonderful equestrian family. Max says he was probably riding “Archie” a wonderful old pony that he had inherited from the McClymont family. And that was the beginning of an addiction that has continued, unabated, to this day. Max has often been heard to comment that horses are more addictive then herion! Also, he cannot imagine a day when there will not be horses to be fed-twice a day
Born at Goondiwindi, in October, 1942 to Frank and Jean (nee Cross) Max was destined to ride-even if it was just to School!! Maxs’ maternal’ grandfather- Jim Cross- had spent his youth droving, at one stage with Kidman.He had ridden north from Inverell to the Gulf, where he caught a boat around to Western Australia, and then spent time in the goldfields of Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie. He eventually returned and married Issy Sweeny from Inverell- the Sweeny boys were legendary horsemen- and raised 5 children His daughter- Maxs’ mother-Jean- was a more then competent horsewomen, however, with 4 older brothers ( Jack, Dave, Bill and Tom) found herself mostly tied to home duties, and did not compete on a big scale. Jack was a drover for many years with good horses, and in the early 1950’s drew the block “Wallangra” at Wandoan. Dave Cross of Texas, was a legendary cattle dealer from the 1940s’ until his untimely death in 1964, a very competitive horseman, and known far and wide for his generosity. Tom was a competitent horseman, who enjoyed scrubber running in the pear country around the Qld/NSW Borderwith the likes of the legendary Stan Bischoff. Tom spent considerable time in the Carnarvon range country, also running scrubbers. The horse influence was part of Maxs’ heritage.
Frank bought and sold a few properties, before finally settling in the Chinchilla district in the late 1940s’, and the campdraft addiction took hold. In the early fifties Max rode in ‘drafts winning his share of Juveniles, the local shows, one or two picnic races, and in the late fifties played a season of polocrosse. Riding to school, bringing in the milkers each afternoon on the way home gave ample opportunity to practice the art of campdrafting. Max said he was unable to concentrate on his schoolwork-it was always”campdrafting” onhis way home from school!!!l His first “camphorse” was “Bonny” inherited from his cousin, well known campdrafter Don Cross, and it was on this mare that he won his 1st campdraft.
After a couple of years at Gatton Ag college (now U.Q. Gatton), Max began campdrafting seriously-he remembers his first ride in the Warwick Gold Cup-he drew last and was given three head to choose from-one was a bull and another had only one eye, so it wasn’tmuch of a “choice”!!
His first really good horse was “Pinto”, and no, he wasn’t a broken coloured horse, just a plain bay gelding by Double Buzz. This horse was looking good when an a bad fall at a ‘draft resulted in a sore head for Max and a broken leg for the horse. Many months and lots of money were spent in getting Pinto over the broken leg, only to loose him to colic. It was at this time that the late Jim Sparkes stepped in and lent Max a mare called Swallow- they were to have considerable success. “Maroo” was by their own sire Double Buzz, but from a straight TB mare owned by neighbour Jack Atkin. Maroo came into Maxs’ life in the early 1960’s . It was the makings of a great team, along the way they won several ‘drafts including the 1964 Warwick Gold Cup,1967, Grandfather Clock Open at Chinchilla and placed 2nd in the Gold Cup in 1968. Maroo excelled in the yard- anything less then a 24 was tragic. Sadly, Maroo never bred a live foal-we have learnt so much more about breeding horses in recent years!
Enter Naomi-Easter 1968, returning from a weekend of campdrafting, and a little chestnut mare caught the eye at Don Cross’s place. A complex little mare, she was to be a Galloway hack,but that was not her idea., Naomi – who was on two weeks trial and had never ‘drafted, won enough money at 3 drafts, in 10 days, to pay for herself!! So much for a show career. Naomi placed twice in the Warwick Gold Cup-tied with Theo Hill and Abdul for 5th in 1971 and placed 4th in1974 . Another top mare in the yard- 23’s and 24’s being the norm. A filly from this mare began ‘drafting, but was injured in an argument with a barbed wire fence.
Breeding of horses had been very spasmodic during these years, although the Glasser family were very early members of the Stockhorse breed-membership paid up in September, 1971. In 1984 another chestnut mare was purchased from the Carney family of Dalby. “Little Jay” was only small in stature, but big in heart when it came to working cattle. “Jay” had enjoyed a great show career, culminating by winning the prestigious Zilzie Cupfor the Carney family, and continued with her show career until she indicated in 1986 that campdrafting was her preferred option. Max and Jay had a great partnership, winning and placing on many occasions. The highlights of her career would have been placing 2nd in the Bayer Classic Open Draft at Walcha in 1988 and in 1992 placing in the Chinchilla Clock Open as well as the Novice-on that occasion Jay top scored in the first two rounds of the Clock Open. “Jay” was to join the home bred mare “Perfects Patrol” in becoming the nucleus of the Glencoe Stockhorses we have today.
When Max and family relocated to the Toowoomba area in the early 1990s, breeding became and interest and a passion- Max found he had a real talent for getting difficult mares in foal. Showing and Futurities along with the occasional campdraft, became an interest in the late 1990s’ after breeding “Glencoe Abstract”- the horse who has done it all for Max. “Abstract” has won 98 Led and Working Championships, he has won a Maiden ‘draft in a very few starts, and regularly scored 22’s and 23s’ in the yard. “Abstract” is siring winners for the Glasser family and many other breeders who have sent mares to him. The best feeling of all is when other breeders come to the fore in their chosen equestrian field with a horse bearing a “Glencoe” prefix or carrying these bloodlines that have been nurtured for over 70 years. Two sons- Michael in Victoria, and Lachlan in Qld-continue to breed from these bloodlines, and will continue these bloodlines for years to come.
Recently,well credentialed horseman- Fraser Ramsey from Casino- came to appraise the Glencoe horses. Upon viewing the 13 yearling fillies, yarded for his inspection, Frasers’ comment-“The best mob of stockhorse filliesI have ever seen”. This comment, from a man who has been campdrafting and showing horses successfully at the most prestigious level since the 1940s’, was praise indeed. Maybe a lifetime of “horse” addiction has not been wasted after all!!

Grandfather clock open winner – Chinchilla 1967
Clock donors Hans and Al Knudsen, the winner Max and his Mare Maroo. Maroo also won Warwick Gold Cup 1964 and again placed 2nd in 1968.
Profile- Double Buzz TB Stallion
In 1947, the late Frank Glasser traveled to the Sydney Easter Yearling Sales with his brother Bob, in the hope of picking up a yearling to race-and he did. One youngster-Hoopla-was quite successful over short distances, but the other-Double Buzz didn’t make it past the breaking in stage-cutting the tendons of both front legs in a confrontation with a feed bin. Fortunately, he was used over quite a few station mares, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Double Buzz had come up in the Sale during a time when many buyers were lunching, and was within Franks’ budget. Double Buzzs’ breeding was outstanding-by Heroics Double sired by Heroic and from the Buzzard mare, Ida Buzz-he was bred to race. However, he was to become one of those thoroughbred sires who was destined to be the sire of stockhorses-campdraft winning ones at that.
By the late fifties, Frank and Max had a truck full of campdraft winning horses by Double Buzz . Perfection-winner of over 120 ‘drafts, Lady Blue and Harmony-both winners of many ‘drafts, sometimes all three of them placing in the one ‘draft. Rainbow and Pinto, both geldings winning their share as well. Max had Maroo, who was to win the Warwick Gold Cup in 1964, and place 2nd in 1968. She also won the Chinchilla Grandfather Clock Open in 1967-sadly for us, she never bred us a live foal. Frank had sold Double Buzz, and when he went to buy him back was horrified to see that he was covered in mange, he didn’t want him back at any price!! Hans Knudsen-the man who initiated the Chinchilla Grandfather Clock Open Campdraft, eventually owned Buzz, but rarely took outside mares to him. Some of Wayne Knudsens first campdraft wins were on the progeny of Double Buzz.
By the late 1960s’ Frank had given up competeing in ‘drafts, and rarely even bred a mare. There was much excitement in February, 1972, when the 22 year old Perfection gave birth to her first and only foal,a filly- Perfect Image (Registered with the ASH as Perfect). This foal was by Double Skee, a campdraft winning son of Double Buzz, and she was to go on and win her share of ‘drafts and become the cornerstone of many of the horses in the Glencoe breeding program of today. The Australian Stock Horse Society had been formed in 1971, and in September of that year, the Glassers had their first mares registered with the ASHS, and Perfection was one of them.
In 1959 Frank and Max had traveled south from Chinchilla to Bourke and Brewarrina to campdraft-a long way in those days. Frank won the Open ‘Draft at the Australian Campdraft Championships at Brewarrina on Perfection and Max won the Juvenile riding her as well,(he also won the Autralian Champion Bullock ride!!). When she won the Open, Perfection had beaten a fairly plain little black horse into 2nd place-that horse was Abbey. Frank was not overly impressed with his type, but grudgingly respected his ability Of-course, all ASH Breeders today recognize the tremendous input Abbey has in the breed, so it seems surreal that 50 years later, when you look at Glencoe Abstracts’ pedigree, you are in fact seeing direct bloodlines of both Perfection and Abbey.
1947- Frank Glasser and Double Buzz.
Profile- Francis “Frank” William Glasser.
Born at Emmaville,NSW, August 1912, Frank was the youngest of 5 children-2 girls and three boys. Much was made by his siblings, that as the youngest, Frank had been “indulged” by his parents and sisters, however, it seems that he did know the meaning of work, and when he set his mind to do something, he rarely failed to achieve his objective Not one to make friends easily, those he did make were for life,- his word and handshake were his bond. Frank could never understand any men who did not think likewise..
After shearing in his youth, Frank married JeanCross from Texas-well known horse family-and, in the 1930s’, set up in partnership with his brother Harrold Glasser, at “Yagaburne” in the Goondiwindi district. A fairly raw, undeveloped block, there were long days in the saddle, so it seems inconceivable that for “relaxation” scrubber running was the sport of choice!! With nephew Charlie Glasser, brother-in-law Tom Cross,and well known scrub runner Stan Bischoff , they made a formidable team, and many a long yarn about wild scrub cattle, prickly pear, fallen timber etc were told in later years.
It was during this time that Frank actually bred his first foal-Combo-who would go on and win campdrafts for Frank. Apparently Frank had walked a mob of cattle into Goondi, camping a couple of nights along they way . It wasn’t until almost a year after that trip, bemoaning how fat and lazy his best mare had become, that the reason for her condition became apparent-a foal he named Combo!
Over the next 10 years, Frank bought and sold a couple of properties. It was during the war years, and again living in Qld, near Texas, that he began to ride competitively. Many small gymkhanas, sports days, and campdrafts were held to raise funds for the Red Cross etc. These were the stepping stones to a very serious addiction to campdrafting. In 1947, on a trip to the Easter Yearling Sales with his brother Bob, Frank bought 2 yearlings-Hoopla and Double Buzz.. Hoopla raced successfully on the Darling Downs, but Double Buzz injured himself whilst being broken in. Frank, and his brother-in-law Jack Cross, put several station mares of mostly TB breeding to Double Buzz and that is the basis of what the breeding at “Glencoe Stockhorses”are today
Frank was born to compete-it made no difference if it was fat lambs, flock sheep, fleeces ,fat cattle, stud cattle, show horses or campdrafting – he was there to win, and he mostly did!! In the early fifties Frank would rail his horses to Mitchell to draft at the Rutland Rodeo. By the mid-fifties he was driving over barely there developmental roads from Roma, through Injune up into the Arcadia Valley to compete at Springsure. Longreach, Winton , Blackall, Mt. Isa, Cunnamulla, Augathella all held campdrafts- and Frank traveled to them all, over dirt road, in a Bedford truck- a new Bedford truck-but still a very slow truck1! One epic trip to Longreach ended with a mad dash home over very muddy dirt roads- on that occasion the horses were on the truck for something like 21 hours straight-they lay down for a day or two after that trip. On another occasion at Longreach, his very best mare-Perfection- had been badly horned in the gut whilst in the cut-out yard – so it was a very long trip home, and straight through to Dalby to the new Vet in town- the late Bruce Wilson- who nursed her back to health and competition level, against all the odds-this was the beginning of a long association with this wonderfull vet.
!959 was the year-by then he and son Max had 7 Open Campdrafters on board and they traveled near and far to campdraft- spent hours each morning trotting the horses for miles in preparation for the big trip. Bourke and Brewarrina were going to have big campdrafts- Brewarrina even going so far as to call their event the “Australian Championships”!! Horsemen traveled from all over the Eastern States to compete at Brewarrina-the Championships carried big prizemoney- 200 pounds being 1st prize for both the top Flag racing and the top Bending race horses. Max still speaks about the wonderful reception the competitors received when they arrived- the famous pick-up family- the Parkins family, Mick Boss –owner of Gold Cup winning Prince-, Jack Johnston of “Cool Dust” fame- all so welcoming to the travelers. The Glasser family had a pretty good run- Perfection and Frank won the Open Draft with Gertie Brook and Abbey placing 2nd. Max and Perfection won the Juvenile draft, and to add icing to the cake Max won the grandly titled 1959 Autralian Junior Championship Bullock Ride!!! All in all a successful trip taking home about 1,000 pounds for their efforts-good money in 1959
Perfection, Lady Blue, Harmony, Maroo, Pinto and Rainbow were some of the Double Buzz progeny being drafted at this time. Frank and Max had both won the Open Campdraft conducted at Chinchilla in October each year, on several occasions. Frank had in mind to win the Warwick Gold Cup, and indeed Perfection placed 2nd in 19. . He had to be satisfied with Max winning it on Maroo in 1964 and then placing 2nd in1968. When Hans Knudsen donated the Grandfather Clock for the October Open at Chinchilla, Frank had his eye on that, as well. Again, he had to be satisfied with Max winning it in 1967, again on Maroo. By the end of the 1960s’, Franks focus on campdrafting became understandably less- he was close to 60 years, he had sold Double Buzz in 19 , had not been breeding horses for some years , and his mares were at the end of their competition days. A couple of horses he purchased were not up to snuff and he did not relish coming second!! Harmony, Perfection and Lady Blue were bred from, but it almost too late. Lady Blue bred a gelding, Harmony only had two foal s e filly who drafted successfully but died from tetnus contracted when sent to get in foal, and a gelding who died from colic. Perfection had one filly foal at 22 years of age. This mare- Perfect, went on to win and place in several ‘drafts and is the cornerstone of our broodmare band of today.
Frank did live to see Perfect ‘draft successfully, but not long enough to see Perfections’ great grandson Glencoe Abstract compete- his wife Jean did, and it was one of the greatest pleasures of her life towards the end to come and see the progeny of these horses from the 1930s’ still competing- and winning 60 years later. Frank thought that watching a campdraft, when you were no longer competing, pretty boring, and as many of his compatriots passed away before he did, campdrafts no longer held any interest for him.
Frank Glasser and Lady Blue (by Double Buzz) winning the Open Draft at Springsure early 1960’s.
Profile-Quidong Absalom (Abbey Gucci)
Our love affair with the sire-Quidong Absalom- began in 1995 and over the next few years we bred to him on 4 occasions, and then purchased 3 Torres mares sired by him. It has been a very rewarding experience, as these bloodlines have nicked very well with those of our two foundation mares Perfect and Little Jay, and a couple of other mares of various Heritage bloodlines..
In the mid 1990s’ Max Glasser was delivering hay to the Nebo property of wellknown north Qld horseman, Graham Ross. Whilst there, Max was invited to check out their stallions, and was immediately impressed with an aged black stallion-Quidong Absalom. Graham said that this horse was for sale, as he was concentrating more on Quarter Horse bloodlines, and really had no further use for him. Maxs’ immediate reaction was that he had owned one stallion, sold him and was not really interested in acquiring another!! Max mentioned this impressive horse-in passing- to Ashley McKay, Torress Park, Augathella, and thought no more about it. Ashley mentioned having seen the horse ‘drafting many years before and noted that he had been very impressed with his ability. Imagine Maxs’ surprise some weeks later when Ashley phoned and said that Absalom would be arriving at our place in a few weeks time and we were to “help ourselves” to as many services as we liked until he could arrive to collect the horse!!
As we didn’t have many mares to breed at that time we had to “borrow” back Glencoe Drovers Dream, a mare Max had given away!! She was to be the dam of Glencoe Abstract and so the whole saga began! Hoping to breed a filly from this mare, we “borrowed” her again a couple of years later, but bred another colt-Glencoe Wantabe- a lovely black horse who sold in Dalby for $9,000 at 24 months.
Absalom was bred by Deidrie Singh, Quidong Stud, Tumut, Victoria, Absalom was originally registered as Abby Gucci and was foaled inJanuary, 1977. Shown as a led horse from as far south as Melbourne Royal, east to Bega on the coast and as far north as Armidale NSW, with a great deal of success before Graham Amos took the horse and competed him under saddle.. In 1979 , Abbey Gucci won the3 year old Futurity at Dubbo,-having placed 2nd in the 2 year old futurity the previous year. and it was here that Graham Ross saw and fell in love with the horse. After a few rides, Graham was to say that this would be the horse he would ride to win the Warwick Gold Cup!1 Together they did win both campdrafts and cutting in North Queensland, but never a Gold Cup, because by the time the horse, renamed Quidong Absalom, was 6 years old he had lost an eye to infection
The 1st foal we bred by Absalom was Perfects Portrait, foaled in late 1996 and from the Double Buzz/Patrol Chief bred mare. The 2nd foal was Glencoe Abstract, foaled in January 1997 – we were so hoping for a filly and were quite disappointed initially. -John Collier from Sale in Victoria saw the colt when he was about 10 weeks old and suggested that he might be “a bit better then the average”. Absalom returned in 1998 so we again bred him 2 mares, the result being Glencoe Wantabe and Lachlan Glassers’ lovely bay mare-Glencoe Clue..When Absalom arrived at Torres Park, he’d not been ridden for some 16 years. Ashley couldn’t resist and saddled him up. The old horse just walked off and when put on cattle simply turned his head so the good eye was on the beast, and went to work. Absalom was 19 years old when he arrived down here in 1995, and we only had an opportunity to join him with mares on two occasions, for which we are thankful..
So we have purchased another 3 Absalom mares from Torres Park – they are Torres Caprice-foaled 1997; Torres Baroom Roses-foaled 1999 and Torres Gucci Rose – foaled in 2002. These mares have been joined to outside sires or too our junior sire – Glencoe Last Word who carries Heritage bloodlines of the multi campdraft winning sire Creswood Rivoli All Talk – their 2008 foals are outstanding.
The use of this horse, with his Abbey/Chan bloodlines has left us with a lovely line of mares with volume, quality and the magnificent Chan head and front . Absalom was a true black and in the horse world “black is beautiful”. At his prime this horse would have stood at 16 hands, so he has given our mare line a lift in size. Glencoe Abstract is right on 15 hands, but is breeding bigger then himself, with some of the newly joined Abstract fillies standing at 15.1 or better.
We often wonder how we could be so fortunate to have such luck in stumbling on this wonderful old sire; that he left us with such a marvelous sire in Glencoe Abstract, and that we managed to breed a lovely black sire from an Absalom mare in Glencoe Last Word –the last foal by Creswood Rivoli All Talk. In 2007 our 1st crop of foals by Last Word arrived, and the crossing of these bloodlines looks like being a winner in every way – but that is another story!!!